Monday, December 10, 2012

#12 - Happiness Comes to Those Who Work Hard and Deserve It

Hello everyone. Can I just start this post off with an emotion I'm feeling very deeply right now? I want to tell you all how happy I have been for the past couple of weeks and how inspired I am by a group of people who I just have started getting close with. And that group of people are involved with this amazing program called, WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY. My manager, Hal Eisenberg, is the founder of WOO, and I must say, this guy has changed my life so far, in so little time, without him realizing it. He says that I am like a miracle brought into his life, but I really think that he's the miracle in mine. Without his help and his constant drive and passion for change and believing in one's self, I don't think I would be getting this far with my music career. I have met (and will continue to meet) some of the most amazingly talented and passionate people I'd ever get the chance to meet. There's so many things that I hope for and that I'm so grateful for that I cannot even express in words how much this all means to me.

I feel like I've been changing for the good each time I'm a part of Windows of Opportunity and all its programs. And I encourage you all to take a look at what WOO stands for, and hopefully, you can help out with the things they need the most. This program WILL change lives and give the youth their voice back, without feeling any negative emotion by it. And being someone who has dealt with self-esteem issues and bullying of all sorts, I can say that the programs involved with WOO definitely helps me out. WOO is a safe haven for all that needs a place to just feel free from all the chains in their lives and to get that breath of fresh air that can save a life and turn it around. And WOO CAN save a life. I really hope you all can join in on the journey that I'm also taking with WOO. It's never too late to help out a cause and to change a life for the better. And I think that's the best feeling in the world that you could EVER have; doing something from the goodness of your heart and believing in making an impact on someone's life.

And on that note, I will end with a video that I worked on with my manager, Alyssa Martone and Gabriella Neglia. This is the video that will hopefully inspire the right people. I hope you enjoy and I hope you check out WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY. YOU can help change a life if you just believe.

Much love,

- MD

1 comment:

  1. MD - This is like my tenth time trying to post this comment but for some reason my computer was not letting me do it. I fear that my immediate emotional response is not evident here. When I first responded I had tears in my eyes. Mary - you are a miracle. A miracle to so many, not just me. I watch the youth you have impacted twice this week already and I see how people respond to your personality and songs. Its a miracle that is going to spread and impact people around the globe. Thank you for your incredible work on this video and all the effort you are putting into your career. You make managing someone so very easy. You have given me a chance and completing a dream I never thought I would have the opportunity to have a shot at again. Thank you for that - Keep on rockin! - H
