Wednesday, November 28, 2012

#1 - "Hello" From a Sick Mary Desiree

Hi, everyone. My name is Mary Desiree, but you can call me Mary for short. Let me introduce myself to all of you before I start blabbing about my life. I am a 21 year old (turning 22 on 12.21. *hint hint* haha) singer-songwriter from Queens, NY. I am also a mother to an 18 month old beautiful baby boy named, Noah (and if you were asking yourself if I named him because of THE NOTEBOOK, yes. You're right.) Short and sweet, I am a passionate lover of the music and arts and everything that has to do with it. So, let's get it started shall we?

This is my first blog post and there are so many thoughts flying around in my head that I don't even know where to start. about we start with last night's meeting with my manager and my first band rehearsal. Last night, my manager, Hal Eisenberg (WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY, INC.), took me to see a one-night only BON JOVI concert documentary-type movie at our local movie theater to help me get inspired. There was a Q&A with BON JOVI and there was one question every aspiring musician would ask someone in that position: "What advice can you give an aspiring singer-songwriter/musician?"
     They answered, plain and simple: "Write. Write. Write."
What an excellent answer! This totally inspired me a lot, even though my manager considered that whole experience, "torturing me". Haha! So, after that, we headed to STARBUCKS because my cough was acting up and we bought some peppermint tea with honey, and I must say, that it helped with my cough AND it tasted great! We also bought some honey-lemon cough drops at the CVS nearby. And then, off we drove to the studio to meet up with my band. Now, I must inform you all, that the guys in my band are just AMAZING! They're all super talented in their craft and I'm so grateful to be working with each and everyone of them. I like being a part of something where I can feel welcome and just comfortable in my own skin, as well as feel like I can bond with the rest of the team like a family. I am all about family bonding. 

So, we arrived at the studio a little early and caught up with my trombonist, Darius N. and my other trumpet player, Isaac L. Our drummer, David G., was already there and soon enough, our bassist, Dominique J. appeared and finally, our main trumpet player, David D. arrived. I was filling in the spot for guitar because we are still looking for the right guitar player for our band. Mind you, I do play guitar but I prefer having vocals as my main priority. We went through my bluesy original, "THE WAY I AM", and learned my newest song, "BURY ME". I was SO excited to hear how my newest song would sound like with a huge band. An hour later, we got a basic set-up for my song and I cannot wait to completely polish it up and show it to the world. So many thoughts about this song! From music videos to photoshoots to studio recording time....TOO MANY THOUGHTS! Hahaha. Anyways, you'll hear that song soon enough :)

Afterwards, my manager and I had so much in our heads that we decided to stop by a DUNKIN' DONUTS to have a late night snack and to talk business. Mind you, this was like around 1:30 am. This whole meeting lasted til about 4:30am. Now, you must know that we had LOTS to talk about AND was just so motivated to keep going, although you can tell we were worn out from the day's activities. We talked about what the plans were for my music career and everything else that will be happening real soon. I am ecstatic to the point of no return. I don't even know if that made any sense but you must know that I am so excited and just so overly grateful and SO -- I cannot even find the right word --- that all my hard work from the beginning is finally paying off. I can't wait to share my story with you guys and to the rest of the world. I can't wait to be able to inspire a young artist like myself, when I was 16 years old and just starting out with my song-writing and playing guitar, with my calloused fingers. I can't wait to touch hearts and to put a smile on people's faces even when they were having the most horrible day of their lives. I want to be able to reach out to someone and tell them that it's okay. That you CAN make it and that you should NEVER doubt yourself, because that's the only thing holding you back from your dreams. Yourself. So, if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. My manager loves my song, "BELIEVE", because he felt so inspired by my words. I can't wait til you all hear my soul through my music.

Please come back to my blog and keep in touch with me. I'd love to interact with my supporters and fans and friends in any way possible. I want to thank everyone who has ever believed in me and supported me no matter what. I can't be where I am now, without all of you. Just remember that. But, that's it for today. I will see you all again tomorrow and I hope my cough goes away soon. I don't like feeling sick and I wish I can go and dance around my room and blast holiday music from 106.7 FM, with my son, and sing as loud as I can and bake my cookies and --- wait a minute. Nothing's holding me back! NOT EVEN THIS COUGH! I WILL go and dance about and make a complete fool of myself now. Haha. Have a great day everyone! 


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